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The main idea of this Project is as simple as recognizable. It consists of a 70-meter natural grass circle (3500 square meters in total) located in the center of the Plaza Mayor (Madrid) commemorating its 4thcentenary. Given the simplicity of such Project, both locals and tourists were immediately surprised by the decontextualization of the Plaza and the invitation to new ways to feel pleasantly and comfortably embraced. Over 100 thousand people enjoyed this artistic offer, along the 4 days that it lasted, that was also echoed by the most relevant National and International Media.

▼西班牙马约尔广场上出现了一个圆形的草坪,a circle grassland appears on the plaza026_GRASS-Plaza-Mayor-Madria-Spain-by-SpY-960x719


An artistic work offered to citizens and tourists of all ages that were allowed to take part of it in a playful and direct manner, thereby achieving the creation of a milestone, a memorable memory and a temporary transformation of this symbol of the Madrid’s culture, on its 400th centenary.

▼先用围栏在广场上围合出了一个圆圈,railings help to enclose a circle on the plaza before construction

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▼建造中的项目,in conconstruction

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▼草皮细节,details of the turf

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▼建造中使用的草皮,turf rolls used in the project


▼建造在一天内完成,the construction process completes in one day


▼项目以其至简的造型打破传统情境,和四周的历史建筑形成了鲜明的时代对比;the simple form successfully decontextualize the plaza, making a strong contrast with its surrounding historic architecture



The revitalization of this public space pretends to involve pedestrians with their own city. This type of artistic work turns the citizens into the artists and vice-versa; it also passes the floor to surprise, to encounter and invites to reflection. In other words, it openly shares the benefit of art with the whole public. Other cities, such as Paris, New York and Moscow, have already shown their interest for this artwork in order for their respective citizens to feel the experience.

▼人们可以从广场的铺砖上直接走上草坪,路面质感的变化与颜色、几何一起激活整个广场空间;people can walk directly onto the turfs from the hard pavement; the changes of floor texture, color and geometries activate the whole plaza area all together


▼项目成为公共空间的完美体现,人们在这里休息,同时欣赏着四周的古典建筑;the project is a perfect presentation of public space, where people rest and enjoy the beautiful view of the classic buildings



▼柔软的草皮让这里成为孩子的游戏天堂,the soft turfs makes the space a paradise for the kids


▼项目夜景,the project night view
