
Author:Gareth Doherty,Charles Waldheim
Publication Date:2016



建筑师将造园和生态引入室内;Olafur Eliasson将家乡冰岛的大量河床、石头及水空运到了丹麦并在丹麦美术馆里举办展览。跟那些虽然持久但也许更脆弱的建筑模型相比,景观自身具有灵活性和不断陌生化的特征。多年来,笔者作为城市学者和建筑师一直以建筑为主体,链接经济学、当代艺术、电影和文学之间的交叉研究和实践,为的就是寻找建筑中的“景观弹性空间”或者景观概念取代作为城市发展单元的建筑,我们研究小组的宣言是:“我从不跨界。我是取消界线的——以建筑为基点来取消学科间的界线,名曰:消界。”景观不是终极表现,而是中间表现,探讨“之间”关系的景观是连接现实与理想的卡拉特拉瓦式拉索桥,也同样借助生态学的定义——一种作为物种与其栖息地之间关系的科学研究——以应用于更广泛的领域。景观是开始的建筑,也归来的建筑。只有动身没有归来的勒·柯布西耶于1965年离开了小木屋沿着马丁角游向了大海深处,最终他也走向了自己。当笔者读到《何谓景观? ——探讨景观特征的文集》(Is Landscape …? Essays on the Identity of Landscape)一书对学科界限的消解时,认知产生了震颤,在一扇窗中看到了门的哲学全然曝光。当我在教室里看到Gareth Doherty教授拿着中国景观领域译者陈崇贤与夏宇的中文译本《何谓景观?》时,我心里充满了热切的渴望,急迫地想阅读中文世界中的 《何谓景观?》 ,想体验汉语中的Gareth Doherty和Charles Waldheim。



很多约定俗成的认知早已“积非成是”,《何谓景观?》对待“景观”一词的态度却很开放。当你读完《何谓景观?》,你会发现,“景观”一词已经是一个新词,已经不是你过去认知中的“景观”了,毋容置疑,Gareth Doherty和Charles Waldheim教授通过《何谓景观?》一书的论文式编辑法更新了“景观”的意涵,换言之,他们给我带来了“新词”,更重要的是,他们的“新词”带来了新的语码和语法,让我们从多种视点出发来看“景观”,这个“景观”包括以人为单位,在进入现象学区域时,人的内部和外部的景观,还有内与外之间的过渡景观。编著的作者发挥了教育者的本色,他们似乎通过“景观”一词在教我们“重新识字”,并对景观含义作出修改或重新命名。更重要的是,作者帮助我们认识到景观学科的重要性:与其他学科一起,景观学科是有能力定义更广泛围的话题的,或者说,景观是没有边界的学科。景观与其他学科要进入一种无处不在又难以察觉、似曾相识又不可名状的交叉状态,才能生产出有价值的思想产品,并在研究里做出不合常规的突破。


何谓景观?Gareth Doherty和Charles Waldheim以提问回答问题;也许问题尚未回答,已有答案。


The thesis type editing unfolds the depth of field of a word

— Review on Is Landscape…? Essays on the Identity of Landscape

Lin Jiang Quan

Author:Gareth Doherty,Charles Waldheim
Publication Date:2016

Is Landscape…? The Book is the result of combining externalizing and accurate imaginative initiative thinking. It guides the landscape architects temporarily forget or get rid of the role of landscape architects and to solve the problems of the landscape from multiple disciplines in role, based on the other side of the landscape. Many unknowns to landscape economists, and few of them know or think they have known, yet is unclear in the territory. In the second person and the other’s point of view to look at the landscape, and then return to the landscape ontology. The landscape is already a new landscape, or “it is not a landscape, yet it is a landscape”, which has transcended the landscape itself. Only alternative thinking can enable designers to invest multi-dimensional energy in the landscape and generate new cognitive significance. This kind of interbreeding is an effective way to break the bottleneck of civilization development.

Architects introduce landscape and ecology into the interior; Olafur Eliasson airlifted a large number of riverbeds, rocks and water from his native Iceland to Denmark and held an exhibition in the Danish art gallery. Compared with the enduring but perhaps more fragile architectural models, landscape itself is characterized by flexibility and constant defamiliarization. Scholars and architects have been for many years. The author, as a city scholar and architect, constantly use buildings as the main body, linking economics, contemporary art, film and literature research and practice, in order to search for “landscape elastic space”, which is to replace the construction of urban development unit in architecture or landscape concept. Our team’s statement is: “I never crossover. I’m eliminating boundaries — I’m removing boundaries between disciplines based on architecture. Landscape is not the ultimate representation, but the intermediate representation. The landscape that explores the “relationship” is the calatrava drawbridge that connects reality and ideals, and is also applied to a wider range of fields by the definition of ecology, a scientific study of the relationship between species and its habitat. The landscape is architectures of the beginning as well as the return. Only le corbusier, who had left the cabin in 1965 and swam off cape Martin to the depths of the sea, eventually came to himself. When I read “what Is Landscape? (Essays on the Identity of Landscape) which deconstructs the boundaries of disciplines, my cognition vibrates and the philosophy of the door is fully exposed in a window. When I saw professor Gareth Doherty in the classroom with the Chinese translation of what is landscape? By Chen chongxian and Xia yu. At that time, I was full of eager desire, eager to read what is landscape in the Chinese world? To experience Gareth Doherty and Charles Waldheim in Chinese.

Is Landscape…? The book collects a large number of diverse features of the landscape, and proposes that, rather than seeking a single or essential explanation for the word “landscape”, it is better to broaden the disciplines and professional fields, and connect the word with its homologous vocabulary, instead, it can understand the meaning of the word more deeply. The book was born in the search of the word origin of “landscape” shows a number of pioneer scholars in the contemporary interpretation of landscape, In the book, landscape can be architecture, ecology, infrastructure, history, literature, art, philosophy, society, human science, anthropology, life, and so on, which motivate to create further transplantation, avoiding the risk of conservative reality caused by the lag. As a pattern, landscape has become an expressive vocabulary that can be understood by many knowledge and subject areas. As an epistemological framework that plays a role in the form of expression, landscape is interrelated with contemporary disciplines, creating a kind of landscape corresponding to a pair of words and objects in a homogeneous space.Everything can be described by time and space, and the two dimensions of the formal landscape are time and space. What is landscape? The space we bring allows us to walk in the “time difference” and to navigate directly through the real world.Many outstanding public buildings collapse the three-dimensional world that mankind stumbles, turning three-dimensional space into two-dimensional is the direction that architects are committed to, and the public and private concept of landscape is more extensive. What is landscape?With drifting diagrams, the inherent structure of the city is scattered, and the panoramic vision is used to resist the “regularized” city, so that people can feel the mobility in daily fragments at any time, and people’s understanding of the city has also changed.In this way, contemporary landscape is seen as a city model, a medium between different fields, and a language tool to enhance public recognition and public participation.

Language changes the world, and landscape is the higher human’s language program. From the Angle of design, this kind of language make its language code deep from the beginning and simple at the end. What is landscape?As a result, the original meaning of the word “landscape” is constantly modified or revised after mutual relations with multiple disciplines. It is also a betrayal of the courage to speak and logic.You will find that the original responsibility of a landscape architect is not to plan or design the shape of an entire city;It is an intrusive infiltration of all aspects of the whole society in the logic of time and space. For example, a landscape design project that has been implemented can be regarded as a social criticism paper or a task of political system construction.

What is landscape? The word landscape is open-mind. What is landscape?”, you will find that the word “landscape” has become a new term, which is not what you used to think of as “landscape”. There is no doubt that professor Gareth Doherty and professor Charles Waldheim adopted “what is landscape? The book’s editing method updates the implications of “landscape”. In other words, they gave me the “new words”, and more importantly, their “new words” brings new code and syntax, letting us see “landscape” through a variety of viewpoints. The word “landscape” includes human unit, and when entering the area of phenomenology, the internal and external landscape, and the transition between the inside and outside of landscape. The authors play to the essence of the pedagogue, who seem to be teaching us to “re-read” through the word “landscape” and to modify or rename the meaning of landscape. More importantly, the authors help us to recognize the importance of the landscape discipline: together with other disciplines, the landscape discipline is capable of defining a broader range of topics, or landscape is a borderless discipline. Landscape and other disciplines need to be involved in an intersecting state that is ubiquitous, undetectable, eerily familiar and indescribable to produce valuable thoughts and make unconventional breakthroughs in research.

Editing is not just a technical activity, but an ideological creation.What is landscape?The author shows us the inspiration of thinking and turns the landscape idea into discourse structure and thought structure. Contemporary landscape is the developing history of landscape, which composed by the history of contemporary landscape design. Each stage is basically the negation of the previous stage so as to reflect the value of it, and the works must have left a concept of meaning and interpretation of the land of the cyclotron fold. This interpretation is not reading, but the landscape creation and practice, the necessity of participation. In this sense, what is landscape? Not only does it is a work, but also the practice of the landscape. The denial of each stage to the previous one is a long process of thinking. The first step for many landscape architects to enter the landscape is not the site, plants and labor, but to write notes. They have spent many years writing, recording and sending messages to bring themselves into the contemporary landscape. So what is landscape? The book is a very important “landscape design practice”. The book proposes what practitioners think but fail to do.Raising other possibilities that practitioners did not expect; To accomplish what landscape architects cannot do. These layers further increase the power of discourse and achieve a matching critical relationship with the research objects through sufficient space.There is no doubt that this book is on the same side as practitioners, architects and landscape architects. This landscape practice of urban form is not determined by design, but formed through the self-regulating process of emerging ecology. In other words, after the construction of the landscape is completed, the design begins — the final form of the landscape develops continuously with the ecological process related to society, politics and culture.

Is Landscape…? Gareth Doherty and Charles Waldheim answered the question in the way of asking questions. Perhaps the question was answered in a way, though it seemed not to get an answer.